Done Projects

Udacity Android basic nanodegree

This app presents relevant information to a user who’s visiting your city


  • Building layouts to display those lists of data.
  • Use Fragment and ViewPager.
  • Add google map
  • Properly handling images or audio (if applicable).

This app can search for books


  • Fetching data from an API
  • Use google books api
  • Using an AsyncTask
  • Parsing a JSON response

This app gives a user regularly-updated news from the internet related to a particular topic, person, or location.


  • Connecting to an API(The Guardian)
  • Parsing the response of the API

This app allow a user to store and track their habits over time


  • Creating a SQLite table
  • Populating that table with new entries
  • Modifying the entries
  • Displaying the contents of the table to users

This app allow a store to keep track of its inventory of products.


  • Storing information in a SQLite database
  • Integrating Android’s file storage systems into that database
  • Presenting information from files and SQLite databases to users
  • Updating information based on user input
  • Creating intents to other apps using stored information